Monday, October 22, 2007

Bloc Party -

Top Gear - Bloopers And Out takes

Alicia Silverstone Naked PETA Spoof

Sandee Westgate's Transformers DVD Review For

Angry Teacher


Is His Anger Justified?
Well, on the one hand that kid did throw what appeared to be a spit ball at his back. So, you know, that wasn't cool. The class had to be expecting some sort of retaliation. Were they expecting him to fly into a woman-punching, child-abusing, hilariously-uncoordinated-failed-jump-kicking rage? Probably not.

We're guessing that the teacher didn't know he was going to do all that until he was standing in a room full of splayed out kids with blood on his knuckles. But, you know, each teacher has their own brand of discipline. Plus, once you start in on a good homicidal punching spree, you don't want to waste it.

We do have to disagree with his choice of wardrobe. Maybe if he would have worn something a little more professional than a striped sweater with track pants, his students would have respected his authority a little more and he wouldn't have had to try to kill them all. That, or learn to land the flying spin kick. Either way, really.

P.S: Cracked has quickly become of my favorite humor sites on the tubes. Really great shit.