Monday, October 22, 2007

Angry Teacher


Is His Anger Justified?
Well, on the one hand that kid did throw what appeared to be a spit ball at his back. So, you know, that wasn't cool. The class had to be expecting some sort of retaliation. Were they expecting him to fly into a woman-punching, child-abusing, hilariously-uncoordinated-failed-jump-kicking rage? Probably not.

We're guessing that the teacher didn't know he was going to do all that until he was standing in a room full of splayed out kids with blood on his knuckles. But, you know, each teacher has their own brand of discipline. Plus, once you start in on a good homicidal punching spree, you don't want to waste it.

We do have to disagree with his choice of wardrobe. Maybe if he would have worn something a little more professional than a striped sweater with track pants, his students would have respected his authority a little more and he wouldn't have had to try to kill them all. That, or learn to land the flying spin kick. Either way, really.

P.S: Cracked has quickly become of my favorite humor sites on the tubes. Really great shit.

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