Bender as a Human - Anthology of interest II
Bender is my hero.
Bender is my hero.
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6:00 AM
Ken Block jumps his rally car over 150 feet, farther than anyone has ever jumped a rally car before .
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5:00 AM
MONTREAL (cbc News)- A Montreal woman who poured fondue fuel over her sleeping boyfriend and lit his penis on fire has been sentenced to four years in prison.
Quebec Judge Louis Legault sentenced Andrée René, 44, to 30 more months in prison, crediting her with 18 months for the time she has already served.
René must also undergo psychological counselling for alcohol abuse and aggression while she's in prison, and is prohibited from owning guns or combustible materials for 10 years after being released.
The sentencing ends a six-year saga that started in April 2001 when René was dating Guillaume Pungu. The couple had spent an evening of drinking and arguing when René poured fondue fuel over Pungu's body while he was sleeping.
He awoke when René set him on fire, scorching his abdomen and genitals. Pungu suffered third-degree burns and was hospitalized for a week, followed by a month of rehabilitation.
Pungu, who died last year of unrelated causes, was traumatized physically and psychologically by René's attack, lawyers said. READ MORE>
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4:25 AM
Meet Daniel Tammet, a 27 year-old math and memory wizard. He can do things with numbers that will truly amaze you. He is a savant. . . with a difference. Unlike most savants, he shows no obvious mental disability, and most importantly, he can describe his own thought process. Join correspondent Morley Safer as he explores the extraordinary life and mind of Daniel Tammet.
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4:16 AM
A young man sits in a locked room, windows covered, in the detention ward at Maricopa Medical Center, under sheriff's guard.
He is not allowed a TV, a radio, a cellphone, a shower or visitors. A video camera catches his every move.
His floormates are criminals, including a suspect in the killing of a police officer.
He has been isolated here for eight months and is expected to remain much longer, perhaps until he dies.
But Robert Daniels is not charged with any crime. He has tuberculosis. And he is under court-ordered confinement because he violated the rules of voluntary quarantine, exposing others to a potentially deadly illness.
Daniels is afflicted with a TB strain so dangerous that he has never met his appointed lawyer, Robert Blecher, who describes the situation as "extremely unusual."
The disease is spread by airborne contact: If a patient coughs in public, others are endangered. READ MORE>
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4:15 AM
Video response to a student in Mexico who sent in a video about a sexy rave.
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3:27 AM