Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Scenes from the Wicker Man

The best parts of the entire movie are of Nicolas Cage decking a bunch of girls in the face.

Parabolic Flight

You can now experience the feeling of weightlessness on board the training airplane of the cosmonauts, the largest parabola airplane in the world - a Ilyushin 76 MDK.

The machine takes you on a 6,000 meters altitude flight. Then it rises at a steep 45 degree angle at full power. You feel 2 G's, before the pilots of the Ilyushin 76 MDK take the thrust away.

Here's a video of one of the flights.

Eat Like Snake

Burger King Commercial

Do Your Own Adventure with Sue Teller

Sue Teller teaches us how to make a mash up.

Turn Your Camel Toe into a Hoof

Camel toes got you down? Here's a solution for all you guys out there. "The hoof."

Luke Whitehead's Fall

NCAA(Edit) player takes a nasty spill and falls right on his neck and head.

35 Balls to the Face in 32 Seconds

Domestic Violence PSA

Raising Baby Racoons

I can't believe how cute these little guys are.

Taco Town

FYI: a Taco Bell just opened up in Montreal. Can someone who knows where it is leave the info in the comments please. Apparently the first day it opened the line was 30 minutes long all day.

Head On!

Crazy ad campaign for head ache medication.