Monday, January 15, 2007

Fuck You Baltimore

Hilarious used car commercial along the lines of "girls' costume warehouse."

Kenny vs Spenny

Kenny vs Spenny is a reality show about two best friends who compete in childish competitions every episode. The winner gets to humiliate the loser and the competitions comprise of stupd things such as "who can not talk the longest" and "who can stay awake the longest." Kenny, the prick of the show, always cheats to win while Spenny tries to win honestly.

It's one of my favourite shows of all time and every single episode is worth watching. Here are my top three.

#3- Who can wear a dead octopus on their head the longest. Part1, part2, part3. In this episode Kenny slips 4 hits of acid into Spenny's orange juice to make him lose his mind.

#2- Who can win a 10 mile race. Part1, part2, part3. In this one Kenny fakes his own mothers death to trickSpenny into forfeiting. If that's not heavy I don't know what is.

#1- Who is funnier. Part1, part2, part3. This is by far the heaviest episode. You're probably wondering what could be heavier then tricking your friend into believing your own mom is dead. Well, Kenny sends Spenny a fake letter from the ministry of health, telling him he may have contracted HIV. This is the single most horrible thing anyone can do to a friend. If you don't have the time to watch the other episodes, or even if you've never seen the show and don't really give a shit about it, you need to see this.

Seriously, you need to watch that episode. There's a whole bunch more on peekvids: Kenny vs Spenny.

Brainiac Clip

At home with Mr. Bunhead.

Trailer for "Nerdcore Rising"

Paula Abdul Live Interview

Paula Abdul completely wasted in a live interview about american idol.

Magic Fridge - Bud Light Commercial

Bait Car

This is the most intense bait car. The guy arrives in a stolen car, steals the bait car, breaks into 3 other cars to rob them and then parks and steals another car to escape. At one point he sees a cop car and starts speeding down the road into oncoming trafic.

Sesame Street - Dance Myself to Sleep

Drunk Man

Classic video of a drunk old man in the street desperately trying to stand up for about 5 minutes.

How to Make Hash

Commonly there are two ways of making hash.

Silk Screening

Water Bagging

Nudist Colony

Laughing Yoga for Stress

Circle Circle Dot Dot

Stop motion lego music video.

Mc Chris On Kingdom Hearts II and Resident Evil

This is pretty much exactly how I feel about video games.

Gay bar - Electric Six

Sex Ed Commercial

"Go penis! Go penis!