Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Before Andy Samberg made it onto SNL, him and his writing team were offered a sketch comedy show on FOX called "Awesometown." This is the pilot episode.

Magnetic Jewelry

Aweome jewelry made of many little magnets. dynomighty.com

Bro Rape

Newsline spoof about the rising rate of rape between "bros." I wish this was for real. Fuck I hate it when people call me "bro."

Tazer Through the Nipple Ring

Video of me running a tazer through my nipple ring. The electricity went right through one ball and out the other so I couldn't feel it.


PSA from Wondershowzen about cooties. This one will make you laugh. I guarantee it.

Afro Samurai

An episode of Afro samurai is available on the spikeTV website. Afro Samurai is the story of a black samurai, played by Samuel L Jackson, who is on a mission to avenge his dead father.


Giant Octopus

After moving an octopus in a larger tank, owners are confused as to why shark carcasses began appearing at the bottom of the tank. One night they stayed up to see who the culprit was.

Trailer for "Black Sheep"

Trailer for a comedy horror movie from New Zealand about killer sheep.

The Blue Flash - Homemade Roller Coaster

Man makes his own roller coaster in his backyard.

Live Radio Dumping

This girls boyfriend was about to propose to her, then he discovered she was cheating on him. This is his revenge.

Soccer Head Shot